Facilitative Methods
Where the principal focus is on generating dynamics / outcomes between people or groups of people. This may relate to general issues facing them (e.g. community priorities, conflict resolution, etc), or specifically to regenerative development issues.
Moving Through Chaos and Complexity: Network Weaving for Social Healing in Times of Great Change
From the website: "As we find ourselves swimming in uncharted and unsettling times, we know that we need each other and must work together in new and deeply collaborative ways. And under current...
Regenerative Insights Circle with Charlotte, Matt and the Unfolding Aliveness Project
Unfolding Aliveness is an educational-ecological-artistic-space, studio, and practice, which creates art with more than human world/s for planetary thriving. Charlotte and Matt will talk about their...
An Exploration of Energy Systems Practice for Just and Thriving Futures
This session will highlight how energy systems practices can support the resurgence of equitable well-being in education, food, health, economic, and other systems, fostering just and thriving futures...
Solstice Jamboree
From the website: "If you are as immersed/obsessed as we are in this endeavor to create POSSIBILITY MODELS for the future of work, if you are curious, if you need more examples or data, if you want to...
Forum Innovation Sociale 2024
From the website: "Changer d’échelle : du projet au mouvement. Il existe dans le monde aujourd’hui 10 millions d’entreprises sociales, qui génèrent 2 trillions de dollars annuellement et emploient 200...
Transformative Scenarios: Centering the future to enable dialogue across differences
Using a number of cases that illustrate the method, authors Mille Bojer and David Winter present...