About Third Horizon Earth

Third Horizon Earth is a knowledge- and community-building platform dedicated to deepening and propagating the practices of regenerative development. A publisher and convener, 3HE engages its communities in surfacing emerging practice, ideas, and systemic design strategies that promote synergistic, flourishing human and environmental ecologies. As a nonpartisan, community-serving organization, 3HE seeks to make these strategies accessible, ubiquitous and actionable, while enriching the innovation ecosystem for regenerative development globally.
The Pioneers engaged in this undertaking know that the raw material of our movement is each other’s knowledge and experience. We see the tremendous curiosity, creativity, and dedication amongst our peers. 3HE seeks to embody this dynamic for the benefit of the diverse communities and practitioners seeking create new value through systemic, regenerative initiatives for the ultimate benefit of our societies at large. As a system of overlapping communities 3HE helps to surface and make sense of, and connect, emerging practices, ideas, and collaborators. Equally, it is a place to present the innovative practices and ideas undertaken by pioneers in a venue where they can reach a broad audience. As it develops 3HE will create a suite of tools that will make these functions increasingly tangible and useful for community members.
Contributing your content and experience to the regenerative development community through 3HE is path for innovators, globally, to exchange cross-disciplinary, systemic practice. Contact us at info@thirdhorizon.earth for more details or to propose a contribution.
How to Participate
3HE focuses on systemic innovation for regeneration. There are many potential forms that such contributions could take, such as:
- Case studies including business and collaborative models, to cross-sectoral collaborations among diverse actors, to bio-regional, and intentional community creations.
- Research or practical learning that does not necessarily reflect systemic innovation in itself, but has the potential to change the way systemic innovators work or think, and is contextualized in its systemic, regenerative context.
- Theoretical contributions, grounded in the field. We look for ideas that go beyond opinion and build up and in relation to other emerging thinking in the field or in other disciplines.
- Opinions, grounded in experience or anchored to current or historical discourse on regeneration, sustainability, etc.
- Art and expressive works. These may be shared as stand-alone pieces or as illustrations for written pieces, as agreed with creators.
With 3HE you remain the owner of your work. We publish under creative commons license, Attribution-Share alike, CC BY-SA
As a curated space, 3HE accepts contributions that editors believe meet community standards of quality, cross-disciplinary and systemic analysis, and originality. 3HE does not compensate contributors financially.
How 3HE generates value and supports itself
3HE is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization and depends on both content and financial contributions from its communities.
3HE asks its communities to support the ongoing development of content, the organization, and the network and tools that empower community members. It uses funds to pay staff and conduct the work of the organization, but does not derive or distribute profit to investors. We believe this approach and identity are essential to cultivating trust and creating long-term societal value.
3HE is committed to ensuring that the communities that can most benefit from 3HE have access at low or no cost.
Third Horizon Earth is a Swiss Association and will adhere to the laws of Switzerland governing associations.
It is managed by a Committee of independent, uncompensated directors who operate with the authority of Members of the Association – a limited group of Community participants who commit to ensuring the elaboration of the 3HE vision and its nonpartisan, field-serving nature. The staff of 3HE will be managed by an Executive Director appointed by the Committee and Members and charged with the programmatic and financial development, representation, and daily operations of 3HE.