Work With Us
Third Horizon Earth supports regenerative pioneers in creating human and natural synergies and flourishing societies. We aim to do the same for our Team.
In partnership with inspiring people and projects you will help us make their unique approaches to regenerative design, practice, and thought shine, and in so doing, enriching the innovation ecosystem on which new innovators depend. Regenerative pioneers are approaching their challenges in entirely new ways and our Team will be contribute our exceptional skills in understanding, interpreting, sharing, and connecting their discoveries with others so that the field may grow.
Over the next three years we intend to expand the 3HE users and contributor community in demonstrating the potential of a robust system--by and for the benefit of regenerative innovators and the regenerative development movement--that can transition into self-sustaining movement of regenerative practice, design, and thinking.
We are a virtual organization based in Switzerland and we operate globally. If you have an understanding and appreciation of sustainable development, circular economy, or regenerative development and the ability to contribute as a systemic thinker and nonpartisan advocate, we need your skills regardless of your age, location, gender, or degree. Some of the skills we seek include reporting, writing, communications, video production, research, business and financial development, unique regional or sectoral insights, you name it. For now, our main working language is English, but if you speak other languages or hail from other regions, you may want to become a regional correspondent.
We can’t offer financial compensation for now, but we will welcome you into an environment of learning and growth and ask you to stretch the limits of your creativity in advancing the work of regenerative pioneers and the regenerative development movement.
If you believe that humanity can and must do much better, and are energized by a mission to help the growing number of regenerative pioneers show us the way, join us. Reach us at
See our Jobs section for specific opportunities.