Marine permaculture: Design principles for productive seascapes
This article offers readers a comprehensive examination of permaculture principles applied to marine...
Catastrophic Marine Crises Demand Regenerative Responses
Emerging crises in marine ecology are driving home the importance of systemic approaches to climate change and biodiversity loss. Regenerative pioneers are developing systemic solutions that address...
Can fisheries be “regenerative”? Adapting agroecological concepts for fisheries and the blue economy
Excerpt: Abstract, "Regenerative design, in which agricultural practices are organized to work with...
Climate disruption caused by a decline in marine biodiversity and pollution
While this paper doesn't speak to regenerative development specifically, the systemic analysis it...
Our $100b Natural Capital Asset: the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park, Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi
Excerpt: "This report adds to the knowledge base by building on prior work about the Gulf’s economic...
World’s largest ocean restoration project unveiled in Dubai
Dubai Reefs consists of a sustainable floating community for marine research, regeneration and...
Fishing communities create marine refuges to protect Chile’s biodiversity
Systemic dynamics in creating marine protected areas, this article illustrates some of the drivers...
A mega port in India threatens the survival of the largest turtles on Earth
The development of port facilities on the Indian island of Nicobar illustrates some of the ways such...
How coastal shrimp farming can support mangrove regeneration
Historically, issues such as logging and charcoal production, among others, all contributed to...