Items that can be employed or being developed to assist those in the field to perform new tasks, or individual innovations that may have implications for larger field development.
The Ecovillage Impact Assessment
An interactive website and report, adapted from Sustainable Development Goals, that many will find...
Global Atlas of Environmental Justice
The breadth of this data source is an opportunity for those in the regenerative development field to...
Eco Jurisprudence Monitor
The Eco Jurisprudence Monitor is an interactive online platform that compiles ecological...
Beyond the Rules: How we organise and govern in an economy designed for life
This project deserves watching. It's much easier to talk about change than it is to model it, much...
Impact Jobs Switzerland
Jobs in Impact Investing, Sustainability, Climate, ESG, Tech, Innovation, Renewable Energy, Social...
Regenerative Cities and communities tools, frameworks, processes
An open-source tool for Regenerative, Circular and Doughnut cities - open for all stakeholders as a...
Forby, Collaborative Decision Making Tool
A software tool that seeks to enable groups to make decisions more effectively.
"Until now, there...
The Regen Marketplace
A medium post describing how to engage with the newly launched Regen Marketplace. Learn how to buy...
The DisCO Governance Model
DisCOs is a P2P/Commons, cooperative and Feminist Economic alternative to Decentralised Autonomous...