Timothy Gieseke

Timothy Gieseke
Tim Gieseke had careers in government, non-profit, and the private sector with each encompassing the space between economic and ecological aspects of land management. He is also a farmer and the first-noted ecocommercist. He authored a trilogy of books; EcoCommerce 101 (2011), Shared Governance for Sustainable Working Landscapes (2016), and Collaborative Environmental Governance Frameworks (2019) that describe the environmental, social, and governance aspects of initiating an EcoCommerce Ecosystem.
Their Content
The Natural Capital Unit (NCU) the Commons Denominator with Tim Gieseke and Jerry Hatfield
Building on their previous presentation in the Regenerative Insights Circle hosted by Third Horizon Earth and the Global Regeneration CoLab, Tim Gieseke and Jerry Hatfield present the concepts and...
White Paper: NCU: The Commons’ Denominator: The “missing link” to enable ecosystem service market co-evolution
Building off his earlier presentation in 2022, author, farmer, academic Tim Gieseke takes readers inside the workings of the modern bushel basket, the Natural Capital Unit, to show how a modern tool...