Support to New European Bauhaus Local Initiatives

The New European Bauhaus makes the European Green Deal a cultural, human-centred, positive and tangible experience for everyone, promoting the transformation and adaptation of our cities all around Europe through beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places.

Through this competitive call, we seek to incubate inspiring place-based transformative projects, that foster the three complementary values of the New European Bauhaus in daily lives, living spaces and experiences:

  • Sustainability – foster climate goals, circularity, zero pollution, and biodiversity
  • Aesthetics – increase the quality of experience and style beyond functionality
  • Inclusion – promote valuing diversity, accessibility and affordability

Specifically, we are looking to promote projects led by local public authorities and contributing to the New European Bauhaus in the following four action areas:

  • Renovation of existing buildings and public spaces in a spirit of circularity and carbon neutrality;
  • Preservation and transformation of cultural heritage;
  • Adaptation and transformation of buildings for affordable housing solutions;
  • Regeneration of urban or rural spaces.

This call is funded by the EU through the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and implemented in collaboration with Ramboll Management Consulting.

You can find more information on the New European Bauhaus concept and many inspiring projects that implement its values here.

Location focus
Opportunity types