Research and Innovation and other actions to support the implementation of mission A Soil Deal for Europe

An opportunity for those working on soil related issues in the European Union

This is a European Commission funded grant. 

Activities under this topic will help progress towards the overall goal of the Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’, in particular by contributing to its specific objective 8 “Increase soil literacy across society”[1]. Activities should also contribute to the Education for Climate Coalition[2] and to the Long-term vision for EU’s rural areas[3] as the Mission is one of its flagship initiatives.

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

  • Increased societal awareness on the importance of soil and the challenges it faces and of the impact of individual decisions (like housing, food and transport behaviour) on soils. This is manifested by an increased engagement in the protection and restoration of soil health.
  • Opportunities for engaging in creative ways in soil protection are widely available and supported by soil-related arts products and innovative methodologies (including digital ones, but not limited to these).
  • Cultural and creative industries (CCIs), artists and civil society organisations are mobilised and work together alongside with universities, research institutes and public institutions and citizens to increase soil literacy in society.
  • Increased capacity of public and private institutions at different levels (e.g. European, national, regional and local) to engage with the wide public in creative ways to promote sustainable soil management.
Location focus
Opportunity types