From Nature's Mouth: The Handbook for BioInfused Human Communication
From Nature's Mouth: The Handbook for BioInfused Human Communication
Human communication can benefit from understanding patterns and meaning in nature.
Excerpt: "Never has humankind been so intertwined in communication networks and in the overall flux of information as nowadays. The 21st century is the era of big data, of exchanges and of sharing of signals between humans. More and more players enter this accelerating dance, linking arms with one another, trying to keep up with the pace while attempting to imprint the pattern of the choreography with their personal contribution. This dance can make us dizzy, overwhelmed and out of beat if we do not master all the rules and subtleties of its sequences and changes in rhythm. How can we make sense of all this influx, of the mixed messages, of the pressure set upon us to be ever more reactive and informed of the codes of our communication ecosystem? One solution is to turn to Nature for answers as to how to manage these issues."
By Michaela Emch, published by Eclosions Marketing and Communication