Natural Capital Accounting For The Mining Sector: Beenup Site Pilot Case Study

Natural Capital Accounting For The Mining Sector: Beenup Site Pilot Case Study
Natural capital accounting approach on a mining site provides deep insight into the approach and how it might bridge from mainstream into regenerative approaches.
A massive report led by mining giant BHP in its Beenup site in southwest Australia. A massive, multiparty / stakeholder effort including the discussions and sharing of the accounting approach and framework as well as much of the methodology. The temporal scenarios are fascinating and will be a reference for many others. It deserves a matching guide to present a methodological cookbook in navigating what was certainly a complex business, economic, and social undertaking. From a regenerative perspective such studies are an important part of developing the approaches to understanding and managing the complex systems dynamics in areas of activity that are likely to continue to be parts of our economies for some time to come.
Prepared by Syrinx Environmental for BHP, A Collaboration between BHP, CRC TiME, CSIRO, Curtin University,
Syrinx Environmental, The University of Western Australia and the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI)
HT: Jean-Louis Robadey in the Regenerative Development Community