Measuring the circular economy: Frameworks, Indicators and Impact Management
Measuring the circular economy: Frameworks, Indicators and Impact Management
Forética and the Task Force on Circular Economy*, which coordinates with 11 large Spanish companies, presented on 11 July 2019 the report Measuring the circular economy - Frameworks, Indicators and Impact Management.
The document analyses the business opportunities in measuring circular economy in business management and contains a roadmap to support companies in this measurement.
This report identifies how to measure circularity in business using three different scopes:
- the measurement of the physical flows,
- the positive impact for companies from resources efficiency
- impact on Sustainable Development Goals.
The report stresses the importance of carrying out a specific analysis of the "circularity" of each sector to advance faster in this transition, which will create 2 million jobs in Europe by 2030 according to estimates by the European Commission. The document includes a series of practical examples that illustrate how the Group companies measure their approach to the circular economy.