Combining the Circular Economy, Doughnut Economy, and Permaculture to Create a Holistic Economic Model for Future Generations

The Circular Economy (CE) is an economic system that integrates economics and the environment to offer a model of sustainability and business opportunity. Whilst the CE has the potential to benefit society, there is a lack of the social aspect being integrated into the current framework. Combining the CE with additional concepts, such as the Doughnut Economy (DE) and Permaculture, creates a more holistic, sustainable approach that aligns with the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental, and economic. Bringing together the concepts of the CE, the DE, and Permaculture offers a potential framework that acts as a guideline for businesses and future economic policies to be both environmentally sustainable and socially beneficial. Combining these relevant concepts leads to the development of a future CE that has strong ties to the socially focused Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and offers a holistic economic model that is more sustainable for future generations. View Full-Text