B. Lorraine Smith

B. Lorraine Smith
I am a writer, speaker, corporate mischievist, and generally curious student of life. I change minds (most often, my own), casting a dubious eye on the line between work and play. I hold a vision of a future where all industry is a force for healing and any exceptions compost themselves into history.
I have been working towards this vision with global companies since 2004, bringing together activists, executives and thought-leaders. I share what I find out as a I go, telling as much truth as I can figure out how to spell. (Or, in the case of Materiality, how to respell.)
Originally from Toronto, Canada, I spent a decade based in New York City and recently relocated to Montreal, all the better to explore the banks of the St. Lawrence River.
I run ultra-long distances on urban trails, I spin and knit my own original designs, and I hold doggedly to the belief that our sense of connectedness and curiosity are our best assets.
You can see more of my work at https://www.blorrainesmith.com/ and follow me on Medium at https://blorrainesmith.medium.com
Their Content
When Materiality Meets Reality
This article leads readers into the concept of materiality that originates from a natural system and human system perspective rather than a financial one. Its systemic focus captures an essential...