For those items that just cannot be categorized. For example public / private partnerships and so on. Multisector platforms, etc.
Future building: towards a sustainable habitat
Covering a wide variety of socio-economic contexts, the stories range from the global south to the...
Natural Farming Through a Wide-Angle Lens: True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh, India
Excerpt: "Adopting APCNF led to greater crop diversity, similar or higher yields, higher incomes for...
RSD12 Systemic Design Association Conference: Entanglements of Interest
Excerpt: "RSD12: Entangled in Emergence will use four “entanglements of interest,” to group topics and submissions from multiple perspectives. These entanglements — natural, technological, political...
Lisboa Regenerativa: Mapping the Ecosystem
Balancing the power of tech with conscious awareness, we are building a physical network of regenerative leaders and spaces across the city. We’re building partnerships with public, private, and...
Citizen Action: As Federal Climate-Fighting Tools Are Taken Away, Cities and States Step Up
Story details how state and local level actions involving citizen's initiatives and juries in...
The DisCO Governance Model
DisCOs is a P2P/Commons, cooperative and Feminist Economic alternative to Decentralised Autonomous...
Main Street Journal
This newsletter, published every other Thursday, will expand the audience, reach, and power of the...
A Brief Agenda for the Next Renaissance
Opinion on the elements that can and will fit together to provide economic, social, environmental transition that will open a potential path to regenerative systems.