Natural Farming Through a Wide-Angle Lens: True Cost Accounting Study of Community Managed Natural Farming in Andhra Pradesh, India

Using a novel approach to "true cost accounting" this study examines the Andhra Pradesh Community-Managed Natural Farming (APCNF), a state-wide agro-ecological transformation of the farming practices of its 6 million farmers over 6 million hectares and 50 million consumers. 

Excerpt: "Adopting APCNF led to greater crop diversity, similar or higher yields, higher incomes for farmers, lower input costs, improved local economies, improved social networks, improved health, and reduced health costs. Overall, APCNF gave highly positive returns on public investment, suggesting APCNF to be the food production system with better economic, environmental, and social outcomes."

Published by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food.

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