Why We Need to Prioritise Wellbeing Over Growth

Why We Need to Prioritise Wellbeing Over Growth
Article deconstructs some of the needs and visions of regenerative economies and approaches to development, illustrated with examples from the field on the transition to more regenerative social practices.
"Today, we face multiple crises: not only ecological, social, economic and political, but also cultural and psychological. This reflects a growing sense of separation from our inner selves, each other and nature. It is misguided to think that a model of infinite economic growth and technological innovation can be a path to societal and planetary wellbeing." ...
"The response to this need was the creation of a wealth of social innovations with a focus on care and values — rather than just profit — which offered the prospect of more sustainable and collaborative approaches. These helped provide more equitable healthcare and education to underserved communities."
By Barbara Bulc, published in the Financial Times