Introducing The Work Project: Reimagining Work and Life
Introducing The Work Project: Reimagining Work and Life
First of a series looking at the meaning and evolution of modern work and what kinds of changes may be possible in an emerging context. The article explores several relevant topics to re-envisioning engagement in our working lives beyond jobs and paychecks. Key points that will be explored in future articles.
- "The 20th century was not the best we can do. Whilst many of those planning, writing and making policy are aiming towards precisely this, millions more are imagining new forms of economy that emphasise co-operation and regeneration as opposed to extraction.
- Good work and good lives are about more than money. Existing notions of good work are narrowly focused on material gain.
- Challenges of transition. Few people now expect a job for life, but education systems largely still resemble the industrial institutions designed for the last revolution and pathways for transition are tenuous and difficult to navigate.
- Work organisations are struggling. It is impossible to imagine the gains that were made in the last century: regulated hours, work safety, wages, welfare systems, without the work of the industrial Trade Unions.
- Technology revolutions create rupture and opportunity.