Diet for a Green Planet - International Course

Diet for a Green Planet - International Course
Diet for a Green Planet, 15 ECTS, is an International Study Unit and aims to provide a grounded understanding of the food system from farm to fork and how the food system is connected to climate change mitigation and eutrophication, support biodiversity, rural development, human health, and rural development.
The study unit will further develop an ability to suggest feasible and relevant methods to promote a transformation towards a sustainable food system, based on the pillars of Diet for a Green Planet and aims to empower individuals who are active in the food system to become conscious actors.
The study unit Diet for a Green Planet in Novia Open UAS is an education developed to support "Lifelong learning" and at the same time an elective study unit for agricultural students in Novias Degree Programme in Bioeconomy.
The study unit Diet for a Green Planet, 15 ECTS, consists of the following three courses:
- Diet for a Green Planet - Understanding Sustainability in the Food System, 5 ECTS
- Diet for a Green Planet - Interventions to Promote Healthy and Sustainable Food, 5 ECTS
- Diet for a Green Planet - Project Development, 5 ECTS
Target group:
- Persons interested in sustainability issues or transformative leadership
- Sustainability developers and planners
- Persons working in the food system
- Food processing producers (artesans)
- Persons working or tender with public food, catering and restaurants
The student:
- will get familiar with the key concepts: Ecological Regenerative Agriculture, Sustainable Food Societies, Diet for a Green Planet (DGP), Planetary Boundaries, Agenda 2030, and Ecological Footprints.
- has the competence to understand and reflect on the ecological balances on a farm and on the sustainability of food products using the concepts Ecological Regenerative Agriculture and Diet for a Green Planet.
- has the ability to suggest feasible and relevant methods/Improvements to (a) promote a sustainable local food system (b) improve the healthiness, and impact on the environment, and (c) to reduce food waste.
- has the capacity to move from observation to reflection to action and to develop a feasible project plan for implementing actions that further sustainability in the local food system.
Diet for a Green Planet is delivered as part-time online studies. Students need access to computer or pad with internet connection, headphones, a microphone and a webcam. The main language in the study unit is English. Other languages can be used in some in parts of the discussions and in counselling, for example when focusing on specified issues for a certain region or country.
The Syllabus was developed as an initiative connected to the Diet for a Green Planet Flagship project in European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The syllabus is based on experiences from the ”Diet for a Green Planet Change Leader” course for Diet managers, chefs and other professionals in the food system at Stensund Folk High School in Sweden. The study unit is a cooperation between Novia and BERAS International, that also helps municipalities in Sweden as consultant to develop the Diet unit of the future and supports SME in the food sector with sustainability and is an active partner in the UN Core Initiative Organic Food System Program.
No prerequisites
Cost: 200€.