Biourbanism Cities as Nature: A Resilience Model for Anthromes

This book departs from the concept of cities as nature and proposes a conceptual and developmental model that enables cities to face major challenges and thrive.  

Excerpt: "It’s time we embraced science and viewed our cities as part of nature – as ecological systems whose survival is inextricably linked to the planet’s ecosystems. This shift in thinking will allow us to quickly decarbonise our cities and transform urban environments into healthier, vibrant, more climate-resilient places.

"Stemming from ecological science and landscape architecture theory, the model is based on ten interconnected bio and urban systems that together determine the health, prosperity and resilience of cities. Implementing the model allows mayors, city planners, and bureaucrats to take a holistic view of cities and to manage the intricate interplay between these ten systems in a mutually beneficial way.

By Adrian McGregor, Chief Design Officer, McGregor Coxall; Adjunct Professor, University of Canberra; Biourbanist

HT: Richard James MacCowan FRSA in the Disrupt Dispatch from the Biomimicry Innovation Lab