Hugo Araujo

Hugo is one of the first of the 30 Biomimicry Professionals Worldwide, certification awarded by the Biomimicry Institute in 2013. He has travelled to remote locations exploring diversity of ecosystems, including human. Hugo is also an artist, reflecting on his scientific and social learnings through his art.

Hugo has wide marketing and sales management expertise from companies such as Nike, Unilever, IBM and Kimberly Clark in Paris, Spain and Mexico. He is an entrepreneur since 2007 with special focus on sustainable innovation and business. Expert in managing multidisciplinary teams he has developed new systems and methodologies and tools for impact management. Thanks to his international background, his strength relies on his power of adaptation to any context: geographical, cultural or social. His main drive is to encounter planet, people and future
generations solutions. Hugo is the creator of the #7Vortex - a collaborative platform for a new kind of problem-solvers.